Welcome to Instant Theomatics!™

You can use this script to scan any text for gematria numbers.

Number or phrase to compare with:
Text to scan:


Type a short word, phrase or number in the first box. If you type a number, this will be your key number. For instance, 111 is the Jesus number, and 180 is the Satan number. If you type a word or phrase, the theomatics program will figure out the value of your phrase and use that as the key number. The smaller the key number, the more likely you are to get matches in your text.

Type some text into the second box. This can be as long as you like. I recommend that you find a long piece of text on the web, then copy and paste it. When you click the button, after a few seconds you will receive a list of all words and phrases that are divisible by your key number. Search the lists for phrases that seem meaningful.

That's really all there is to it.

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