Tower of Hanoi

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"In the great temple at Benares beneath the dome which marks the center of the world, rests a brass plate in which are fixed three diamond needles, each a cubit high (a cubit is about 20 inches) and as thick as the body of a bee. On one of these needles, at the creation, God placed sixty-four discs of pure gold, the largest disc resting on the brass plate and the others getting smaller and smaller up to the top one.

"This is the tower of Brahma. Day and night unceasingly, the priest on duty transfers the discs from one diamond needle to another, according to the fixed and immutable laws of Brahma, which require that the priest must move only one disc at a time, and he must place these discs on needles so that there never is a smaller disc below a larger one. When all the sixty-four discs shall have been thus transferred from the needle on which, at the creation, God placed them, to one of the other needles, tower, temple, and Brahmans alike will crumble into dust, and with a thunderclap the world will vanish."

-- George Gamow, 1947
1, 2, 3... Infinity

Luckily, this version of the Tower of Hanoi uses a maximum of nine discs, making it much easier to solve than the legendary version. And when you finish, the world probably will not come to an end.

Best of all, you can invoke the magic genie to solve it for you if you get stuck or bored.

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